
Delivery time:2019-10-17Views:1083

International Trade Practice

A key construction specialty of national model colleges and a characteristic specialty in Jiangsu Province


Length of schooling: 3 years

Educational objectives: This specialty aims to cultivate senior technical talents with firm beliefs and all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education, good humanistic qualities, professional ethics and innovation consciousness, craftsmanship spirit of persistent improving and strong employability and sustainable development ability, mastering international economics and trade expertise, capable of business English (or business Japanese, or business Korean) communication, international marketing, standard operation of international trade business, cross-border e-commerce operations, foreign exchange risk aversion and prevention, international cargo transportation agency, and equipped with enterprise operation and management skills geared to the professional post group of the foreign economic and trade industry, fitting in with the type of “Internet + international trade”, engaged in international market development, foreign trade business negotiations, foreign trade contract signing and performance, foreign trade business operations management, etc.

Main courses: Introduction to International Trade, International Trade Practice, Documents for Foreign Trade, International Marketing, International Finance, Business English (or Japanese, Korean), Business English (or Japanese, Korean) Listening & Speaking, Foreign Trade English Correspondence, Cross-border E-commerce Practice, Visual Marketing and Picture Processing, Customs Declaration and Inspection Practice, International Freight Forwarding, Documentary Practice, Business Etiquette and Negotiation Skills, International Business Law, Knowledge of Import and Export Commodities, International Trade Geography, Fundamentals of Accounting, Foreign Trade Enterprise Operation and Management, Business English Viewing, Listening and Speaking Training, Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Training, Foreign Trade Documentary Training, Comprehensive Training of Foreign Trade Enterprise Establishment and Import and Export Business, On-post Practice and Graduating Project.. Among them, there are 1 national-level excellent course, 1 national-level quality resource sharing course, 4 provincial-level excellent courses, and 3 institute-level excellent courses.

Employment orientation: Thegraduates can be engaged in foreign trade salesman (export sales staff), cross-border e-commerce engineer, international business documentary specialist, customs declarer, customs inspector, foreign trade merchandiser, international freight forwarder, foreign business clerk and foreign trade business management and other positions in various professional foreign trade companies, foreign-funded enterprises, foreign business establishments in China and other export-oriented enterprises and institutions.

Faculty: Among the full-time teachers, we have 1 professor, 16 associate professors; 6 doctors, 13 masters and 21 teachers with bi-expertise. We have 5 part-time teachers from the enterprises, and 2 foreign teachers employed throughout the year. Among the full-time teachers, we have 1 provincial teaching master, 1 provincial excellent educator, 2 backbone teachers of the provincial Qinglan Project, and 1 “third-level candidate of 333 Project”. The teaching team was honored as “Excellent Teaching Team in Jiangsu” in 2009.

Experimental and training conditions: We have domestic leading training experience centers integrating workplace environment with teaching environment, such as Comprehensive Simulation Training Center of International Trade, Experience Training Center of Business Language Listening and Speaking, Cross-border E-commerce Training Center, International Freight Forwarding Training Center, etc. to carry out customs inspection simulation training, customs declaration simulation training, foreign trade merchandiser simulation training, freight forwarding simulation training, comprehensive full-process simulation training of international trade; Comprehensive Training of Business English (or Japanese, Korean) Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. At the same time, we have established strategic partnerships with Medicine & Health Products Import & Export Co., Ltd. of Jiangsu Highhope International Group, Sinotrans Jiangsu, JSNK Industries Co., Ltd., to guarantee off-campus practice for the students.

Main employers: JSNK Industries Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Skyrun Light Industry Import and Export Co., Ltd., Sinotrans Changjiang Company, Jiangsu Sainty Group, Medicine & Health Products Import and Export Co., Ltd. of Jiangsu Highhope International Group, Jiangsu Jiesien Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. Sharp Electronics Co., Ltd., Denso Group, Sumitomo Corporation, ASUS Electronics Co., Ltd., Panasonic Electronics Co., Ltd., Japan Haomu Trading Co., Ltd., Wuxi Pactera Group, Japan Fuji Electric Group, Japan Transcosmos Group, etc.