
Delivery time:2019-10-17Views:1057

Embedded Technology and Application

Length of schooling: 3 years

Educational objectives: This specialty aims to cultivate high-quality applied talents with all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetics education, with good professional quality, practical ability, and innovation and entrepreneurship awareness, geared to IT industry and software enterprises, capable of design and development of embedded system software and hardware based on ARM processor, development of Linux-related applications and design of Android embedded system, etc.

Main courses: The main specialized courses offered by this specialty include Fundamentals of Programming, Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology, Linux Operating System, ARM Embedded System Application, Sensor Technology and Application, Embedded Linux Application Development, Electronic Circuit CAD, Linux Embedded Drive Development, Android Embedded System Design, etc.

Employment orientation: Geared to the embedded system design and development technology field of IT industry, software enterprises and system integration companies in Jiangsu Province and the Yangtze River Delta region, the graduates can be engaged in the design, development, production, technical service and management of embedded system technology.

Faculty: 2 professors, 2 associate professors, and 1 lecturer. We have 1 young and middle-aged academic leader of the provincial Qinglan Project, 1 visiting scholar of foreign college, 2 doctors, 3 masters, 4 senior engineers and engineers. The teaching team has strong faculty, with strong scientific research ability and high academic level. We have ample part-time teachers from the industry and enterprises.

Experimental and training conditions: We have multiple training rooms, such as Embedded Technology Training Room and Data Backup and Recovery Training Room, and Embedded Technology Studio.

Main achievements: 2 graduation theses were awarded the first prize of graduation theses in JiangsuProvince, 1 was awarded the second prize of graduation theses in JiangsuProvince, and several were awarded excellent graduation designs and theses of the Institute. We guided students to win the first prize and the second prize in the National Challenge Cup Entrepreneurship Competition many times and win many prizes in the “Invention Cup” Competition.

Main employers: Nanjing Gaoshi Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Zote Electric Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Wind Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Leone Medical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Beijing Like Network Technology Co., Ltd., Panda Electronics, Nanjing Xuzhuang Software Park.