Launching Ceremony of Jiangsu-South Africa Vocational College Principals Alliance and Principals Dialogue Held at NJUIT

Delivery time:2023-11-07Views:58

To implement the guiding principle of President Xi Jinping’s speech and important instructions on “China-South Africa Friendship and Cooperation” during the BRICS Summit 2023 and his state visit to South Africa and promote exchanges, mutual learning and common development of vocational education between Jiangsu and South Africa, the Launching Ceremony of Jiangsu-South Africa Vocational College Principals Alliance and Principals Dialogue were held on November 6th at NJUIT.

In attendance at the event wereMookapele Mpho Gift, Commissioner of the Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET), and other leaders from South Africa, Yang Shubing, Deputy Director-General of Jiangsu Education Department; Yang Jing, Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, Wu Xuemin, Secretary of the Party Committee of NJUIT, Xie Yonghua, President of NJUIT, heads of the relevant divisions and offices of Jiangsu Education Department and the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, and 80 participants from 8 vocational education institutions in South Africa and 11 in Jiangsu Province.

In their speeches, Mookapele Mpho Gift highlighted South Africa’s special features in vocational education, Yang Shubing pointed out that the Jiangsu-South Africa Vocational College Principals Alliance was a new platform for educational exchanges and cooperation between Jiangsu and South Africa, Yang Jing hoped that the educational circles of Jiangsu and South Africa would thoroughly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, Wu Xuemin remarked that we should take the launch of the Alliance as an opportunity to integrate the opening up of education into the development planning of each institution, Xie Yonghua promised that NJUIT would continue to carry out extensive educational cooperation between the governments and institutions of Jiangsu and South Africa. In the principal dialogue session, Mabe Molifi Israel, Principal of Gert Sibande TVET College, and other principals of TVET Colleges in South Africa, Du Guoxiong, President of Nanjing Vocational Institute of Railway Technology, and other presidents of vocational colleges in Jiangsu, shared their understanding and practical experience of vocational education cooperation.

During the event, Yang Shubing and Mookapele Mpho Gift jointly inaugurated “Jiangsu-South Africa Vocational College Principals Alliance”. Xie Yonghua, Ngcobo Jeffrey Themba and Dr. Lu Zhilei signed the alliance cooperation agreement on behalf of the vocational colleges of Jiangsu, the vocational colleges of South Africa and the South Africa Chinese Culture and International Education Exchange Center respectively.

After the event, all the guests visited the Intelligent Manufacturing Training Center (Beijing Jingdiao College) and Tiantang Campus, and expressed their appreciation of NJUIT’s long history, advanced teaching equipment and successful cooperation with many internationally renowned enterprises.


Group photo


Launching ceremony


Highlight Moments

(International Education College

Edited by Chu Yang

Reviewed by Zhang Haining)