Delegation of Federation of Khmer Chinese in Cambodia Visited NJUIT

Delivery time:2024-04-26Views:34

The delegation ofFederation of Khmer Chinese in Cambodia, including Lord Fong Chan Seng (CHEA SOEUN), Lord Chua Dee Hwa (THAI VAN), Executive Vice Presidents of the Federation and SOK HUY, Secretary-General of the Federation, paid a visit to our University on 26th April. President Xie Yonghua and Vice President Mr. Sun Yanfei received the guests.

President Xie Yonghua extended a warm welcome to the delegation, introduced the basic situation of the University and its international cooperation and exchange. Lord Fang Chan Seng thanked the University for its hospitality, and introduced the purpose and development history of the Federation.

After the meeting, Vice President Sun Yanfei showed the guests around the Exhibition Hall of Huang Yanpei's Thoughts on Vocational Education, the Intelligent Manufacturing Comprehensive Training Center and other training centers.

Delegates at the Meeting

Visiting the Training Centre

(Contributed by International Cooperation and Exchange Division

Photo by Wang Yuying

Text by Tang Wei and Chen Zhijia

Edited by Chen Lu

Reviewed by He Zhengying)